My name is Jeff McLeod. I write reviews and essays about board games.
Story Time
I have an odd habit. Whenever I’m enjoying a sandwich, about halfway through, I stop eating the entire sandwich and start picking it apart layer by layer. First the top bread piece, then the veggies. Meat, then cheese, working my way down until I get to the bottom bread piece.
In essence, I start by eating the whole thing, and finish by tasting each individual part, exploring how each layer contributed to the overall whole.
I do the same with board games.
The exploring the layers and how they contribute to the whole of the experience part. Not the eating part.
I don’t eat board games.
That would be weird.
Review Policy
My goal is to provide the best reviews and critiques of board games, as free from influence of others as possible. To that end, I have the following review policies
- I don’t do previews, overviews or how-to-plays.
- I won’t receive compensation for any review, beyond a review copy itself, which I will disclose in the review.
- I generally won’t do reviews of first time crowdfund games, especially if they are only in prototype form.
- I will, however, do reviews for second campaigns and the like where there is previous proof of completion.
- Once I say I will do a review, I will do a review, good or bad, without interference or edits from the publisher or designer.
- I will play the game at least three times. More likely than not, more.
In Return, I will:
- Be Honest
- Be Fair
- If I love something about the game, you will know it
- If I don’t, you will know why
If you want to….
Read about the start of my board game journey, you can find my story here.
Find me on the socials, you can find me here:
Email me, you can do so here: